Dear John,

Just over a quarter of the country have had their primary elections, and the results are troubling to say the least. While we’ve seen a few high-profile races where radicalism lost, the march of conspiracy and extremism has continued in every state so far.

We can’t hang our hats on the handful of high-profile victories. The political fight against anti-democracy extremism demands our full attention.

We knew that the roots of political extremism ran deep—and touched every state in the Union. We’ve seen the fringes of the Republican Party rise up and take hold. We’ve even seen the danger that these ideologies pose—in the form of a violent coup attempt at the U.S. Capitol.

In short, we know what’s at stake: the very survival of American democracy.


That isn’t hyperbole; it’s our mission. This is a fight that can’t be won or lost in a single election. Rather, it demands a continuous effort, stretched across generations. We must renew America’s passion for democracy and commitment to freedom. Building a cross-generational, cross-partisan coalition to stand against extremism and carry the torch of liberty into the future is how we ensure this dream of a nation continues another century.

That’s what we’re building: a new political home for Americans who value our founding principles and will stand up for the right to self-government. We’re making our stand now, and we will continue to stand in the many elections to come. Help us Renew America.

Renew America Movement



Thank you so much for joining our movement to renew America! We're working to restore a common-sense coalition in American politics from the voting booth, to the halls of Congress and state capitols, and in communities across America — we're so glad to have you with us!

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Renew America Movement
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States