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Hi ,

We hope you can join us at the 2022 Just Economy conference! We’re less than two weeks away so don't miss out on the slate of amazing speakers. Register now!

NCRC is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all participants of the 2022 Just Economy Conference. To ensure the safety of participants, staff, and all at the conference, for your information please read the COVID-19 protocols for the conference. 
View Duty of Care
The conference is open to all, but make sure to join NCRC membership first, if you are not a member, for discounted tickets! Available lodging can be reserved here as well. 

Let’s all do our part and have a safe and healthy time at the conference! We can’t wait to see you,

Press Release
Read more about NCRC's initial analysis regarding the recent rule proposals of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
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