Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) just taught his entire campaign staff an important lesson in economics. If one wants higher wages, then expect fewer hours. In a previous article from MRCTV, the union that represents the workers for Bernie Sander’s campaign had entered negotiations to try and garner higher wages.
Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) just taught his entire campaign staff an important lesson in economics. If one wants higher wages, then expect fewer hours. In a previous article from MRCTV, the union that represents the workers for Bernie Sander’s campaign had entered negotiations to try and garner higher wages.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The MRCTV newsletter will be on vacation until August 5. Until then, you can find the same great stories at, updated throughout the day.
South Korea fired hundreds of warning shots at Russian aircraft on Tuesday after it violated South Korean airspace, according to the South Korean government.
If you’ve ever been waiting at a red light at a neighborhood intersection, chances are at some point you’ve encountered someone begging you for money. Oftentimes, the same person is out there day after day.
Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, has achieved an unsurprising victory in the battle for Conservative Party leadership. This means the occasionally controversial politician will soon also be the United Kingdom’s next Prime Minister.
In their study the AAUW briefly mentions the fact that women are the majority of college and university graduates but fails to explain that that could be the reason they hold most of the debt. They quickly shifted to claim that student debt is a…
As tensions between the United States and Iran further rise, the Iranian government continues to make hostile shows of force, this time claiming Iranian authorities have captured seventeen spies working for the CIA.
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