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The Right Response to School Shootings and the Upsurge of Violence

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 02, 2022 04:33 am

Are we to believe this unbelievably tragic circumstance happened because too many guns are available? The evidence doesn’t support the assertion.
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The Sinister Plan to Replace God and Reengineer Humanity

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 02, 2022 04:30 am

deep stateThe Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories
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Pentecost – Coming June 5th – A Type of the Rapture?

By Prophecy Watchers on Jun 02, 2022 04:01 am

fellowship in prayerOnce you come to understand the symbolism built into the Jewish Feast Days, you may never view the Bible the same way again. The Feast...
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Satanic Noose Tightening

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jun 02, 2022 03:46 am

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)
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Amir Tsarfati: The Rise of the One World Religion – Emerging and Spreading Fast
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The Daily Skirmish – Gun Control Pays Too Well
Foundations for Authentic Christian Teaching Course Summer Session: June 26 – July2, 2022, Online or On Campus
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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