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Time to Reestablish the Concepts of Duty and Accountability

Kurt Schlichter

RINO Cornyn Playing Footsie With the Enemy

Kurt Schlichter

Don't Let Republicans Negotiate Your Second Amendment Rights Away

Spencer Brown

It's Not Hypocritical to Be Pro-Life and Pro-2A

Larry O'Connor

Men Will Never Be Women In Sports Or Anywhere Else

Derek Hunter

Who Needs Evidence to Prove a Case?

Brad Slager


Victor Davis Hanson

The Great Replacement Switcheroo

Ann Coulter

If 'No One Wants to Take Our Guns,' Stop Saying the Opposite

Larry Elder

Air Force, Marines Kick Off Pride Month With Cringeworthy Tweets

Leah Barkoukis

Disgusting Ad from Rand Paul's Democratic Opponent Charles Booker is Wrong in Just So Many Ways

Rebecca Downs

One Woman's Sexual Attraction Is Beyond Bizarre...But Also Sort of Common

Matt Vespa

Biden Tries to Build Back Butter with BTS Presser, Oval Office Meeting

Mia Cathell

Brooklyn Shooting Victim Sues Gunmaker for Criminal's Actions

Maddy Welsh

Woke Activists Ban Police from Doing Their Job at Pride Parades, Claims Cops are a Trigger

Sarah Arnold

JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon Warns of 'Economic Hurricane'

Sarah Arnold

Our Culture of Violence

Emmett Tyrrell

Will America Remain Virtuous Enough to Be Free?

Terry Jeffrey

America's Real Crises

Laura Hollis

When Will Magical Economic Thinking from Biden and Co. End?

Veronique de Rugy

Politicians Should Resist the Urge to 'Do Anything' in Response to School Shootings

Jacob Sullum

Biden Makes Cannon Fodder of History

Jonathan Emord

The Missing Element In The Debate About Guns

Cal Thomas

Anti-Semitism on the Rise

Jerry Newcombe

The Mass Shooting in Uvalde, Texas Calls Us to Spiritual And Moral Revival

Scott Powell

The Public Was Uninvited from Memorial Day US Capitol Celebration

Armstrong Williams

California City Will Spend Over 6 Million to End Homelessness for Transgender People

Madeline Leesman

Two White House Press Staffers Departing for Other Biden Administration Jobs

Madeline Leesman

More Dems in Disarray, This Time Over Gun Control

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Gun control activist says it "makes sense" to avoid talk of gun ban... "for now." |
Do Rifled Foster Slugs REALLY spin or it is just a MYTH? |
Uvalde police no longer cooperating in shooting probe? |
Why current gun control push won't go anywhere |
Democrats are selective in which shootings matter |
NPR engages in scare tactics on AR-15 |