Dear John,
Labour has confirmed the worst fears of local communities by
tabling a bill to ram through its Three Waters agenda.
We need your help to stop it.
Local government is in open revolt, and the public overwhelmingly
opposes this blatant asset grab. Yet Labour is determined to impose
its ideology against the wishes of communities.
The Water Services Entities Bill (Three
Waters) tabled in Parliament today, lays out the final plans for the
establishment of a complex and unaccountable bureaucracy.
The Ardern-led Labour Government has consistently ignored
alternative proposals such as establishing council controlled
organisations or contracting services, doggedly pursuing its four
mega-entities model.
Under this model your local community will lose its voice and cross
subsidise neighbouring communities, all while getting worse
This is classic Labour, deciding it knows what’s best for you and
your community and centralising decision-making all at your
National has consistently opposed Labour’s Three Waters reforms.
Make no mistake, if we are elected in 2023 we will repeal and replace
this broken model.
Help us spread the
Donate Now

Christopher Luxon National Party Leader