From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Signs New Partnership Agreement on Antisemitism Education in the UK
Date June 2, 2022 12:30 AM
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May 2022

Partnering with UK Jewish Community to Educate on Antisemitism

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announced that it is launching a new digital education program with the Board of Deputies of British Jews to teach secondary school students about the Jewish people, antisemitism, and how to be an ally against antisemitism. DASH (Digital Antisemitism for High Schools) aims to equip students with basic facts about Jews and antisemitism to prevent stereotypes from social media from filling that knowledge gap.

DASH will be developed jointly by the two partners with insights gained from ADL&rsquo;s experience with digital education about antisemitism in the United States and the Board of Deputies&rsquo; experience in education and fighting antisemitism in the United Kingdom. The program is expected to be rolled out in the 2022-23 school year.

Reported Decision to Keep IRGC on Terror List is Welcomed

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welcomed reports the US will keep Iran&rsquo;s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on the US foreign terrorist organization list, on the FTO list, something ADL had strongly advocated for, including in a
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letter from Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO, to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

In an
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op-ed published before the reported decision, Sharon Nazarian, SVP for International Affairs, wrote that &ldquo;Keeping sanctions in place and ensuring their strict implementation is key to deterrence. Removing the IRGC from either the FTO or SDGT lists would undermine the integrity of American sanctions by weakening the ability of the U.S. government, as well as victims of terrorism, to go after Tehran&rsquo;s murderous arm through the courts of law.&rdquo;

ADL Calls Out Comparisions Made by Russia Between Nazis and Ukraine

In an
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op-ed , Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director, explained why Russian FM Lavrov&rsquo;s recent comments that Hitler was partially Jewish are a desperate attempt to delegitimize Ukraine by resurrecting the long-debunked notion and engaging in pure historical revisionism, writing: &ldquo;What Lavrov is doing here is engaging in the big lie technique, mastered by Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, in accusing the Nazis&rsquo; enemies of heinous crimes. The technique consists of repeating an outrageous falsehood over and over &mdash; in this case that the Ukrainians are Nazis &mdash; so that people start believing it because, well, why else do they hear it so often?&rdquo;



To mark Yom Ha&rsquo;atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director, wrote an
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op-ed on the contrast between great progress in building relationships between Israel and other Middle Eastern countries, while having to deal with the challenge of growing anti-Israel hostility.

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called the killing of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh &ldquo;tragic,&rdquo; condemned the violence during her funeral, and
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welcomed an Israeli investigation into both incidents, urging that it be fully transparent.

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mourned the three Israelis who were killed in an Independence Day terror attack in Elad. Earlier in the month, ADL had
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condemned murder of Vyacheslav Golev by terrorists in the city of Ariel.

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strongly condemned anti-Arab chants made during the Jerusalem Day Flag March by Jewish extremists.

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said it was disturbed by Knesset Member Miki Zohar&rsquo;s hateful comments vilifying Arab citizens of Israel, and called on him to apologize.

In response to the Israeli announcement of new settlement building, ADL
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said that any steps that could further hinder a peaceful and mutual resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and hopes for two states for two people with dignity and security, must be avoided.

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said the State Department&rsquo;s decision to delist Kahane Chai &ndash; an Israeli-based extremist organization &ndash; from its terrorist list, sent the wrong message.

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welcomed the US Treasury&rsquo;s sanctioning of Hamas financial backers.

Middle East

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condemned an antisemitic statement by Hezbollah leader Sheik Nasrallah directed at a Jewish US-government official.

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said that the law the Iraqi parliament passed to criminalize all relations with Israel is &ldquo;bigoted&rdquo; and the latest example of the futile attempts in the Arab world to reverse the Abraham Accords&rsquo; momentum for peace and coexistence.

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shared its deepest condolences to the people of the UAE on President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed&rsquo;s passing.


In response to evidence that the suspect in the murder case of Rene Hadjadj, an elderly French Jew, engaged in antisemitism, ADL
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called on investigators and prosecutors to ensure there are no lapses like in previous cases, including the murder of Sarah Halimi.

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congratulated its Swiss partners CICAD on winning a hate speech case against Dieudonne, a flagrantly antisemitic performer with a large audience in Europe and a long history of hate.

ADL delivered 18 hours of antisemitism education in seven Words to Action trainings in Berlin, Brussels, Oslo, Rome, Tuscany, and Vienna.

Latin America

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condemned Argentinian labor leader Ale Bodart for using antisemitic rhetoric by calling Israel a &ldquo;racist genocidal state&rdquo; and stating "Zionism= Nazism."

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condemned former Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos for accusing Israel of practicing &ldquo;apartheid&rdquo; and making false comparisons between Israel and Russia&rsquo;s attacks on Ukraine.

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welcomed Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso's visit to Israel, the first Ecuadorian president to visit the country.

ADL staff were interviewed in several Spanish-language TV stations about the Buffalo attack, including: Telemundo National, Univision National, Sirus XM, Mexico's Televisa, Colombia's NTN24, Vix (Univision's new streaming channel), and Al Punto.

ADL translated op-eds into Spanish, including:
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Blog by Sharon Nazarian Opposing the De-listing of the IRGC (Enlace Judio)
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Article by Marylin Mayo on the Great Replacement Theory (El Espanol)

ADL condemned several antisemitic incidents and trends globally, including: A rise in antisemitic incidents in
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Austria ; an alarming rise in annual antisemitic incidents in Berlin,
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Germany ; and a Nazi-themed wedding in
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ADL blog highlighted how some recent Nakba Day events in the US featured denigration and vilification of Zionism and Zionists, as well as expressions of outright support for anti-Jewish violence.

ADL-Midwest published a
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report on how college campuses across the Midwest have seen a troubling and increasing pattern of anti-Israel criticism that veers into antisemitism, highlighting seven campuses that have experienced Israeli-related antisemitism.

ADL's Southwest Region's International Affairs Committee met with Israeli Consul General to the Southwest Livia Link-Raviv, who briefed the group on the latest regarding Israel's government, Iran's nuclear enrichment, Israel's relationships with Ukraine and Russia and the status of the Abraham Accords.


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