Hello Democrats! 

Happy Pride Month! Pride Month is both a time of celebration and a critical time that we remember all of the organizers and activists who fought for LGBTQ people to achieve the rights they have today. 

That’s why the Democratic National Committee launched our signature program to organize the LGBTQ community, ‘Democrats Are Out & Proud’. This program will ensure we have critical resources like those below in order to mobilize LGBTQ Democrats and their allies ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

We hope you will join us in amplifying the DNC’s messaging and joining us for the following actions in the coming days. 

Sam Alleman (He/Him)
LGBTQ Coalitions Director
Democratic National Committee

Statement: DNC on the Start of Pride Month

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and LGBTQ Caucus Chair Earl Fowlkes issued the following joint statement marking the start of Pride month:

“Today marks the start of Pride month. This month, we celebrate love, self-expression, and the freedom to be one’s authentic self. The LGBTQ+ movement is full of remarkable, everyday people who had the courage to assert their freedom. From the first brick at Stonewall to marriage equality, the DNC honors the tremendous progress made to expand LGBTQ+ rights and joins in solidarity as we continue to fight for complete equality. 

This month, we also reaffirm the work ahead. We cannot allow this hard-won progress for the LGBTQ+ community to be undone. Republican attacks on LGBTQ+ people — especially on queer and transgender children — are unacceptable. Democrats across the country have and will continue to push back against the onslaught of homophobic and transphobic attacks we’ve seen in state legislatures.

We are proud of the work the Biden-Harris administration has done thus far: from issuing one of the most comprehensive executive orders in the history of LGBTQ+ rights, to providing Americans with a gender neutral passport marker, to prioritizing the needs of queer and trans foster kids, and fighting for safety and justice for missing and murdered trans BIPOC people. 

Inclusion can and must be the law of the land. That’s why, as Democrats, we firmly support the Equality Act. It is long past time to codify equal protection on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation into law. This Pride month, we recommit to building a country where all Americans can be their true selves — no matter who they love or how they identify.”


Please consider sharing the following content with your networks and on your social media pages.


Please click the link to each of these tweets, retweet them, and like them.

@JoeBiden: I want every member of the LGBTQ+ community to know you are loved just as you are. During Pride Month, we celebrate the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community and will continue fighting for every person to be treated with the dignity they deserve.

@KamalaHarris: The fight for LGBTQ+ rights is a fight for civil rights. Today marks the first day of Pride Month. While we should celebrate how far we’ve come, we must continue standing in solidarity with LGBTQ+ Americans in their ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice.

@TheDemocrats: Pride Month is about celebrating the right of every American to be proud, love openly, and live authentically. Happy Pride!

@JaimeHarrison: This month, we celebrate how far we’ve come in the struggle for equality while still acknowledging how far we have to go. Happy Pride, everyone!



Please click the links to the following Instagram posts, like each one, and share them to your Instagram story.



We are looking for volunteers and activists just like you to step and host an 'Out & Proud' Pride event this June. Hosting these events will give you a chance to mobilize your networks ahead of key elections this November and to share why voting for Democrats up and down the ballot is important to the LGBTQ community.

If you're interested, please complete the form at the button below with your event details and you will receive a tool kit and additional resources to host a successful event. Upon submission, your event will automatically publish on the DNC’s Mobilize America page. Please note, you will be able to export any event RSVPs or lists generated from this event form. 

Took Kit Sign Up


We are asking all volunteers, partners, and local Democratic clubs engaging at Pride Festivals and Parades to consider registering your event engagement at the link below. Doing so will allow anyone coming to the DNC’s Mobilize America page (how we host events and track RSVP’s) to join you at Pride.

Doing so will provide you a convenient tool to manage your event attendee registrations and allow us to direct volunteers to your event or activity.

Register Here


On Tuesday, June 14 at 7 PM ET the DNC’s Social Ambassador program will host a special virtual training session for the LGBTQ+ community. Social Ambassadors is a grassroots volunteer program that combats disinformation online by amplifying achievements of both the Democrats and the Biden-Harris administration over your personal social media networks.
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