MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: Less than 12 hours before we close the books on November - the month Democrats
launched impeachment of President Trump |
Dear John,
We close the books on November — the month Dems launched impeachment — in just a few hours.
If you still support President Trump, please act before midnight tonight (Nov. 30th) so we can count it towards the crucial November deadline.
Supporter ID: [email protected]
Status: inactive
Gift to Meet Goal: 35
If our records are wrong, please forgive us, but once MIDNIGHT passes -- it is over and there will be no going back.
Please do not delay.
Should we fall short of our November fundraising goal, the door will be open for Democrats and their looming impeachment vote. However, with your urgent gift before MIDNIGHT tonight,
we will put the Democrats and enemies of Trump on notice that we are geared up and equipped for the fight.
Thank you in advance for responding.
For America! 
Ted Harvey
Chairman, Committee to Defend the President
P.S. Simply put — November 2019 is the MOST crucial month in our existence as the WAR ON TRUMP is in full effect and
the enemies of President Trump are fighting tooth-and-nail to impeach him.
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