This is a really big moment for our grassroots campaign.

Maura Healey for Governor

Our team has a fun surprise planned, but we need your help to pull it off:

Will you take a minute to sign our ‘Good Luck' card for Maura?

Wish Maura good luck at the Democratic Convention

This is a really big moment for our grassroots campaign. In just 2 days, Maura will speak at the state Democratic Convention. She'll explain why she's the best choice for Governor and how she'll work to make our state more affordable, tackle the climate crisis, and protect reproductive rights. Then delegates will vote on who the State Party should endorse.

This is a really important opportunity to win their endorsement and grow our grassroots movement – and we want Maura to see that our whole team is rooting for her! Your support means so much to her, so we're asking:

Will you wish Maura good luck by signing our card? It only takes a moment to sign – you can even include a special message if you'd like!

Thanks for all you do,

Maura's Campaign Manager