I'll be in Conversation with Claire Rice, Virgil Bitu and Marius Taba

John, Join the conversation tonight, from 6pm.


I wanted to remind you that Always Learning starts tonight and you're invited!


Always Learning, is a new event series, where I'll be working to platform voices that are too often oppressed in our society.

The 'Always Learning' programme was inspired by a veteran member of the Green Party, Anne Power,  who when hearing about the struggle of a marginalised group said "what I have realised is, at the age of 85 I am still always learning".

There will be a series of events with accompanying literature to ensure that people hear first-hand about the lives of people who our current systems are built to silence.


This series kicks off tonight and I would love for you to join me in conversation with three amazing speakers from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community, where we will celebrating Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month but also to hear the various issues that affect these groups and how we can all learn to be better allies.


Either sign up to the Zoom event below or catch the event live on my Facebook page.

Looking forward to seeing you there at 6pm, tonight.

In Solidarity, 


Amelia Womack, 

Deputy Leader

Green Party of England and Wales