June 2022 • Issue 12, Volume 12 • www.consumer-action.org
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What people are saying
Thank you for consistently providing quality training! --Shanel Morrow, Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC), Chula Vista, CA, about Consumer Action's March 22 "COVID-19 and the Impact on Small Businesses" webinar
Did you know?
Google announced in late April that individuals can submit removal requests for Google Search results containing personal information about them that might put them in danger. In an article about the move, WIRED noted: "It can be frightening to have your email address, phone number, or home address pop up in a search result, and you need to take action to protect your privacy." While Google says not every request will be honored, the company will consider requests to block specific search engine results if that information poses significant risk of identity theft, financial fraud, stalking, violence, etc. This includes information such as your street address, personal email or cell phone number posted by someone who wants to harm you ("doxxing"). Learn more about the requirement for removing personally identifiable info (PII) or doxxing content from Google Search.
PG&E funds Consumer Action to address energy poverty
By Audrey Perrott
With a grant from Pacific Gas and Electric, Consumer Action is embarking on a project aimed at educating California consumers about the energy company's various assistance programs to help make essential utility services more affordable and efficient for qualifying households. Read more.
Hotline Chronicles: Avoiding ATM fees
By Linda Sherry
A consumer wonders how she can avoid double ATM fees when she uses an ATM not owned by her bank. Read more.
California Privacy Initiative webinar explains privacy rights
By Nelson Santiago
Experts provided tips and action items for consumers, parents and advocates who care about privacy during a May webinar hosted by Consumer Action. Read more.
Consumer Action participates in virtual state resource fair
By Nelson Santiago
The panel featured on a cyber scams webinar offered tips that consumers across the country can use to avoid fraud and recover from a scam. Read more.
Coalition Efforts: Urging enhanced investor protections, fair reporting for trafficking victims, and restoration of monetary relief
By Monica Steinisch
Consumer Action often joins its allies in letters, comments and complaints calling for change, standing up for consumer rights, supporting or opposing proposed laws and objecting to corporate misbehavior, among other activities. We collect these in the Coalition Efforts section of our website. Each month in the INSIDER, we highlight some recent activities. Read more.
CFPB Watch: Illegal auto repossessions, debt relief fees, and your right to know why credit account was closed
By Ruth Susswein
In this regular feature, we detail recent actions taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This month, we report on illegal car repossessions, debt relief traps, and consumer protections before and after you apply for a loan. Read more.
Class Action Database: StubHub returns hidden fees
By Rose Chan
Consumer Action maintains a database of class actions so that interested consumers can learn more, join a pending action or make a claim. Class action lawsuits are an important element of consumer protection and can force changes to anti-consumer business practices and make bad actors return ill-gotten gains to consumers. Read more.
About Consumer Action
Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A nonprofit organization, Consumer Action focuses on consumer education that empowers low- and moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper. It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change. By providing consumer education materials in multiple languages, a free national hotline, a comprehensive website and special reports about financial and consumer services, Consumer Action helps consumers assert their rights in the marketplace and make financially savvy choices. More than 6,500 community and grassroots organizations benefit annually from its extensive outreach programs, training materials and support. Read more.
Consumer Action ©2022
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