Dear Friends, June is Torture Awareness Month – a time to re-commit ourselves to ending torture. It seems that by 2022, we humans should have learned from our past mistakes and stopped torturing each other. Sadly, from the brutality we are witnessing in the wars in Ukraine and Yemen to the torture of solitary confinement cells in U.S. prisons, our voices are needed now more than ever. As NRCAT once again embarks on our Torture Awareness Month Fundraising Campaign (which we do every June), our month is chock full of programming. Your financial contribution to NRCAT this month will support our state and federal advocacy to end solitary confinement, our ongoing efforts to close Guantanamo Bay prison, and our campaign to end secret CIA armed drone strikes. This month we will be sharing more with you on NRCAT's efforts to end the torture of solitary confinement, which has grown to 19 state campaigns, working closely with our partner The Unlock the Box Campaign. In the past four years, 78 new laws have passed and were signed into law by the Governors of 34 states limiting some aspect of solitary confinement. Connecticut recently became the third state to ban long-term isolated confinement legislatively, following New Jersey and New York. We are making tremendous progress. We’ll also share more on some new breakthroughs with the Biden Administration which we believe are going to speed up the transfers or trials of the 37 remaining Muslim men still being held in Guantanamo Bay Prison so it can finally be closed. And finally, this month we are releasing our new NRCAT 35-minute documentary, Torture in Our Name, which spotlights three of the state campaigns to end solitary and features interviews with people who have direct experience of solitary confinement and people of faith who are leading this work. We’ll also be releasing another NRCAT film resource, Humans Out of Solitary – thirty 1-3 minute short-film interviews with solitary survivors that tell the story of life in, and beyond, prison for these incredible individuals working with NRCAT across the country. Your financial support during Torture Awareness Month makes all this possible and will be matched up to a total of $30,000 by a couple of generous NRCAT donors. You may contribute online or send a contribution by mail to: National Religious Campaign Against Torture PO Box 91820 Washington, DC 20090 Sincerely, |