
A few weeks ago, we made the very hard decision to go up on TV a few weeks early against Chuck Grassley – even though we don’t technically have all the money in our budget to do so just yet.

We needed to introduce Admiral Mike Franken to Iowa voters before Grassley and McConnell’s Super PACs began burying us in lie-filled attack ads.

And our strategy is working: Chuck Grassley has been falling in the polls, and Mike has been surging – the latest poll shows us just three points behind Grassley!

But we got the news that we knew was coming: Chuck Grassley just launched his first massive TV ad buy attacking us!

In order to expand our own ad buy and fight back, we’ve set an emergency rapid response fundraising goal of raising $35,000. But Mike’s not taking corporate PAC money. The only way we’ll hit our goal and turn Iowa blue is if grassroot donors like you give now:

Please, can Admiral Mike Franken count on you to give $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford – to help him defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re trending in the right direction, and we cannot let this stop our momentum.

Thank you for whatever you’re able to chip in today,


Julie Stauch
Campaign Manager
Mike Franken for Iowa