From CaucusRoom <[email protected]>
Subject The Verdict is In
Date June 1, 2022 11:15 AM
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Canada puts freeze on handgun ownership.

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Welcome to June! The jury in Michael Sussmann’s false-statement trial returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY [[link removed]], but what we learned during the trial [[link removed]] was HUGE! China Elected to WHO Board

China was elected to the W.H.O. executive board on Friday, [[link removed]] even though the Chinese gave false information to W.H.O. during the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Senator Rick Scott introduced a bill “to ensure that the WHO cannot unilaterally impose public health restrictions on the United States and violate America’s national sovereignty.” [[link removed]]

House to Vote on Gun Bills

House Democrats are wasting no time taking up gun violence legislation, scheduling a special session of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday to send a slate of tougher firearms rules to the chamber floor. [[link removed]]

OH! Canada!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his government is introducing legislation t o “implement a national freeze on handgun ownership” throughout the country. [[link removed]]

Ten States with the Highest Gas Prices

The nation’s average gas price reached $4.62 cents on Memorial Day, there are 10 states that have it worse than others. [[link removed]] Meanwhile, Biden neglected to mention domestic oil and natural gas production in his plan [[link removed]] for addressing spiking energy prices.

What is Taking so Long?

Supreme Court officials are escalating their search for the source of the leaked draft opinion, taking steps to require law clerks to provide cell phone records and sign affidavits. [[link removed]]

Florida's First All-Women Honor Flight

Florida’s first all-women honor flight sets off for Washington D.C. [[link removed]] , [[link removed]] where over 100 veterans will be treated to a grand tour of the nation’s capital.

The Great Reset

Tulsi Gabbard became the first prominent Democrat to say an ill word against the World Economic Forum, their annual gathering in Davos, and “The Great Reset” [[link removed]] that they hope to impose on the rest of the world.

Feedback Needed!

Did you know that 65% of county election offices reported a shortage of workers in 2022? We’d love to help more conservatives get active on election day, so we’ve got a short survey for you. [[link removed]] (The poll answers are anonymous).

Your Funny for the Day! It worked for drugs [[link removed]]!I knew I'd seen this guy [[link removed]] before!You won't believe the list of Babylon Bee headlines that have come true [[link removed]]. Upcoming Events June 3 & 4th: Western Conservative Summit [[link removed]]

State Primaries in June

June 7th: California [[link removed]], Iowa [[link removed]], Mississippi [[link removed]], Montana [[link removed]], New Jersey [[link removed]], New Mexico [[link removed]], South Dakota [[link removed]]June 14th: Maine [[link removed]], Nevada [[link removed]], North Dakota [[link removed]], South Carolina [[link removed]]June 2st: Virginia [[link removed]]June 28th: Illinois [[link removed]], Colorado [[link removed]], Utah [[link removed]], New York [[link removed]], Oklahoma [[link removed]] Get your ULTRA MAGA shirt here! [[link removed]] [[link removed]]

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