Today felt like a historic day.
I spent 8 hours at MCI-Norfolk leading a workshop that had a mixed group of correctional officers, legislators, commissioners, administrators and inmates. Together, we reviewed the preliminary recommendations of the Structural Racism Commission (I am the House Chair) Report and did a systems mapping training, an exercise to help us finalize our recommendations.
I believe it’s the first time in recent history that this combination of people sat side by side in a workshop, on the same level playing field, providing shared consultation on structural racism and culture shift at the Department of Correction (DOC)! This is the culmination of 3 years of effort attempting to elevate the wisdom and power of currently incarcerated people for the purposes of culture shift in the DOC!
We had twice the expected turnout. Over 60 people participating! It was amazing, and launched us into a new phase of our coalition and leadership building from "within the walls."
I am hopeful as I prepare now for my next neighborhood meeting. It’s such an honor to serve an amazing district that has my back on each innovative thing I try!
Let’s win the Senate! We have so much to do, and I’m loving it.
Donate today, again or for the first time. We have so much work ahead, and with all I’m already doing I need more help to win than ever! Please give today towards our month end, or if it's better for you our June 15th deadline is right around the corner. Thank you for your partnership in making justice for all.