
Big Oil companies have long relied on elected officials who enable them to pollute our environment for a big check. In fact, a recent analysis found a correlation between fossil fuel industry campaign contributions and anti-environment votes taken by legislators.

But we're proud to say, Kirsten will never be swayed by Big Oil’s political power or their checkbooks. Here she is pledging to never accept a dime from any fossil fuel company or PAC.

Instead, Kirsten and our grassroots campaign are choosing to rely on supporters like yourself. With our final fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, we could really use your help.

Fossil Fuel companies are doing everything they can to stand in the way of Democrats’ plans to protect our environment, but we are fighting back.

Can we count on you to help us meet tonight's fundraisng deadline by chipping in?

Thank you for taking action,

Team Engel





Paid for by Engel for Arizona



Engel for Arizona
PO Box 40721
Tucson, AZ 85717
United States