Did you see Raphael Warnock’s email? We have just 6 hours left to reach our EOM fundraising goal.

Hey John — did you see Reverend Raphael Warnock’s email to you earlier today? 

We have six hours to meet our end of month fundraising goal. I just ran the numbers. If 20 people from Washington each chip in $12, we’ll just make it.

(If you forward this email to a friend and they chip in $12 too, we’ll get there in half the time.)

This is going to be a close one, John. A loss for Congressman Sanford Bishop and Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock is a loss for all of us. We can’t let them down! It’s simply not an option.


Thanks so much. I know you’ll come through.

Robert, Team Bishop

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raphael Warnock [email protected]
Date: Tuesday May 31, 2022 at 1:00 PM
Subject: We’re officially up against Donald Trump’s handpicked candidate, Herschel Walker
To: [email protected]

John, this is important. Herschel Walker (R) is now officially the GOP nominee for the Senate here in Georgia  that means he and I will be facing off this November.

With the entire GOP establishment behind Walker, keeping this seat and the Senate blue will come down to your grassroots support. I’m urgently asking: Will you split $20 or more right now between my campaign and Congressman Sanford Bishop’s so we can keep the House and Senate blue?

Here’s why your support is more important than ever. CNN is calling me the most vulnerable Democratic Senator on the ballot and experts at FiveThirtyEight say my seat could decide Senate control.

That’s why Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the GOP are coming after me as their top target for defeat. Even before the primary, they had already poured nearly $15 MILLION into Walker’s campaign to flip this seat – and now, recent polls show me 1 point down.

With the general election officially here, it’s never been more urgent to fight back against the GOP’s attacks and pull ahead in this must-win race. That’s why we set a rapid-response goal to raise $100,000 by midnight tonight, but right now, we’re dangerously short.

So please, John, I’m counting on you! Will you split an urgent donation of $20 or more, now, so we can defeat Herschel Walker, win in Georgia, and defend our Democratic Senate majority?


Thank you for stepping up when it matters most, John. I truly appreciate it.

– Rev. Raphael Warnock

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus, GA 31902
[email protected]
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Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress