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Vote for POV's Film in the PBS Online Film Festival

The 8th Annual PBS Online Film Festival ends this week, and we're thrilled to be a part of it! Through July 26, viewers can watch, vote and share their favorites.

This year, POV is proud to present Into My Life for the PBS Online Film Festival. Don't forget to watch, stream, like and comment (all count as votes) and help us win the "Most Popular" film prize!
Watch and Vote Here

Fall Internship at American Documentary

Applications to our fall internship program are now open! We are accepting applications until August 2.

Interns will gain training and mentorship through our hands-on educational program, designed to provide a "behind-the-scenes" look at public media and the documentary field. We are committed to working with individual interns to meet their unique learning objectives.

Send us an email at for more information.
Apply Now

POV Call for Entries
Submissions Deadline for the 2020 POV Season Extended Until Wednesday, July 31.
For questions, email
  • Standard: For completed films & fine cuts. If you feel you have a strong rough cut, you can submit in this category.
  • Early Introduction: For films still in production or development. We prioritize Standard entries for broadcast consideration but use the Early Introduction category to get films on our radar and for early rough cuts.
  • Short: If your film is 35 minutes or less, please submit in this category.
Submit Now
Calls for Entries From Our Friends: 
Submissions are now open for the 2020 Cinema Eye Honors awards for Nonfiction Feature and Nonfiction Short Films. Early submissions will be accepted through the month of June, with a final deadline of Friday, August 2 for Nonfiction Short Films and September 13 for Nonfiction Feature Films.

For Shorts, apply here.
For Features, apply here.
ITVS Open Call provides documentary funding and co-production support so you can complete your nonfiction work in progress, then air it on public television. Open until July 26.

Apply here.
The Sundance Institute Documentary Fund accepts submissions year round. 

Apply here.
Reel South's Season 5 submission deadline has been extended to Monday, July 29. 

Apply here.
The Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) is accepting applications for two film funding programs. 

Learn more and apply here.
Filmmakers who identify as POC, Indigenous, queer, women, nonbinary and people with disabilities are invited to apply for a pitch opportunity at the 2019 New Orleans Film Festival.

Learn more and apply here.
 Only in New York (Works-in-Progress Features or Webseries) is accepting submissions– an opportunity for filmmakers with works-in-progress (either features or series) to have intimate roundtable meetings with industry figures from the fields of distribution, financing, festival programming, and more.

Only In New York Extended Deadline: August 30, 2019

Submit here.
Stay updated on more resources and opportunities through the AmDoc website:
Funds & Residencies
Hackathons & Labs
Filmmaker Resources
Major funding for POV is provided by PBS, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts and the Wyncote Foundation. Additional funding comes from The John S. and James Knight Foundation, Nancy Blachman and David desJardins, Bertha Foundation, Reva & David Logan Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Chicago Media Project, Lefkofsky Family Foundation, Sage Foundation, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Ann Tenenbaum and Thomas H. Lee and public television viewers. POV is presented by a consortium of public television stations, including KQED San Francisco, WGBH Boston and THIRTEEN in association with WNET.ORG.

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