Good morning,
Whether you’re an Alabama or an Auburn fan (or you’re invested in some other other rivalry), we want to update you on the #DougJonesIronBowl.
April and her fellow Alabama fans are in the lead, but Terri and Auburn started closing in on her yesterday. We're keeping this going all day, so it's still anyone's game — and we all know better than to count Auburn out.
So if you want to help April and Alabama keep the lead, click here.
If you’re on Team Terri/Auburn, chip in by going to this link.
No matter which side you’re on, we sincerely hope you’ve had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving week. We’re thankful for you.
Terri & April
We talk about One Alabama every day, and we mean it. At least... we mean it 364 days of the year. We’re both from Alabama. We love our state and we love working together to get Doug re-elected.
But April graduated from Alabama. Terri graduated from Auburn. And on Saturday, we’ll be at odds for a few hours. But now, we want to ask you a question together:
Who can give more to re-elect Doug this week: Auburn or Alabama fans?
Saturday is the last regular-season game of the year. 2020 will be here before we know it, and it’s going to come down to the wire. Every dollar, every doorknock, every vote is going to make the difference next year.
We’ll be sending out updates on social media – so chip in to help your team win this contest, and then we’ll work together to get Doug re-elected.
Anything can happen at the Iron Bowl. Anything. We’re both confident in our teams, but we all know what a loss on Saturday can do to our chances for the postseason – and how brutal the trash talk will be when we’re back in the office.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Thank you!
Terri Chapman and April Hodges
4500 5th Ave S, Building L, Birmingham, AL 35222 |
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