
Trump won Montana by a whopping 20 points in 2016.

Yet, not only was I re-elected in 2018, I was one of only two Democratic Senators to win re-election in a red state.

You see, I knew the American people would rather side with an everyday dirt farmer who shares the same concerns they have over someone deep in the pockets of wealthy special interests any day of the week.

I focused on everybody in Montana. I talked to the folks who agreed with me and to the folks who didn’t. I refused to give in to the partisan BS. I was just me -- a lifelong dirt farmer who has a thing for Montana beef.

I won in a state that went for Trump by 20 points because I didn’t want corporations or wealthy outsiders to control my campaign. I relied on grassroots support every step of the way.

Nothing has changed since then, team. A little over one year after winning re-election, I’m still counting on folks like you to fuel my fights in Congress.

Now, here’s the part where I ask for your help:

My team has a big fundraising deadline tonight at midnight, and we’re still tracking behind on our grassroots goal. Will you chip in whatever you can afford to get us back on track?

Donate now

You’ve been with me every step of the way and for that I am so grateful. We’re doing things the right way -- one grassroots contribution at a time.

Thanks for everything,
