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Summer is here! 

I have been traveling across the state hearing first hand from Vermonters who want a fresh perspective in Washington and we are working every day to make it happen! Thank you so much for your support.

As we spend the summer crisscrossing the Green Mountains, I hope you'll consider a contribution, load up on campaign gear, or simply share our message with your friends and neighbors. We can't do this without you!

- Team Nolan


New summer items available in the campaign shop!

Check out some of our newest products below and show your support wherever you are this summer!

Help fuel the campaign all the way to the finish line by joining Team Nolan! Give a recurring monthly gift of at least $15 and receive a custom, limited edition, Team Nolan membership card to show you're one of our most dedicated supporters!

Paid for by Christina Nolan for U.S. Senate
Copyright © 2022 Christina Nolan for U.S. Senate, All rights reserved.
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Christina Nolan for U.S. Senate
PO Box 4155
Burlington, VT 05406-4155

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