Dear People For supporter, Imagine the governor of the country’s biggest swing state is an insurrectionist who has openly declared a willingness to throw out election results he doesn’t like – and as governor has the power to do it. That’s what’s on the line in Pennsylvania with radical extremist Doug Mastriano handily capturing the Republican nomination for governor in that state’s primary this month. Someone like Mastriano – who organized buses for and attended the January 6 protests to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s victory – winning the race for governor of Pennsylvania would have a devastating national impact. Regardless of which presidential candidate actually WINS the state in 2024, you’d be almost assured that Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes would be cast for Trump or another far-right Republican. And, an election turnout in Pennsylvania that puts Mastriano over the top would all but assure that the open U.S. Senate seat in that state will NOT flip from GOP control, putting Mitch McConnell one step closer to regaining control as Senate Majority Leader! We need to mobilize every last pro-choice, pro-democracy voter in Pennsylvania and other key states between now and Election Day – on the ground, online, on the phones, on the air, and by mail. And, with a budget gap this month of nearly $30K and our critical end of month deadline just hours away, we need your help. Mastriano would obliterate the fundamental rights of Pennsylvanians. He’s made it clear that he’ll work to ban access to abortion should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade. And he’d aggressively pursue some of the worst voter suppression and NRA-friendly gun policies you could imagine. He’s not alone. Far-right candidates for governor, Congress, state legislature, and even city council and school board are running on an extreme and bigoted MAGA agenda ... targeting LGBTQ+ youth, reproductive choice, students’ freedom to learn, the right to vote, and more in their authoritarian quest to redefine the America Way as white supremacy and Christian nationalism. We can’t let them do it. We are living through what could either be a progressive realignment and national recommitment to individual freedoms, democracy, public safety, and the core American values that give our country the potential for true greatness ... OR what could be the end of the American Experiment as we know it over the next two major election cycles. That’s because if the Far Right wins control of Congress and enough state governments this November, it’s no secret that they’ll use their power to:
We’re now entering the final months of Election 2022, with primary elections across the country wrapping up and the summer organizing push getting underway. In the coming weeks, we’ll have a series of public hearings by the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection that will provide a powerful opportunity to get out the message about what’s at stake in November – and People For will soon be rolling out a major campaign to do just that. The work we do now is just as important – in some ways, more important – than the work that happens just a few weeks out from Election Day. And we need your help ... right away. Will you please dig deep and rush a renewal donation to support our election efforts today? >> The best version of America is not impossible to achieve. It will take patriotic commitment, hard and smart work, and the kind of movement building that People For is uniquely suited to lead. And we can only do it together. Thanks for all that you do. Ben Jealous, President