Dear John,

There is a well-known searching question posed in the book of Micah as what to do to please God. The answer is simple - no complicated religious rites are required but this is:

He has told you, O man, what is good;  and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

The wonderful reports in this Harambee express some impactful ways in which AE teams achieve this in partnership with you because of your enabling support. They work in the mission field , committed to evangelising the cities of Africa through Word and Deed in partnership with the church.

I thank you for your partnership that enables AE teams reach out to so many, in Jesus name, to give a hand up to those in dire need and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ – the only one who can give eternal hope.

May the Lord bless you and your loved ones.


Food security and food shortages in Africa

Africa is on the brink of crisis with rising food- and fuel prices caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The war between the countries is causing a delay in the supply of wheat, fertiliser and other goods, intensifying the problems Africa already has with the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme drought, climate change and more.  Read more

Ethiopia - "I have hope for my life now"

Young orphan, Lemlem Tibebu has benefited greatly from the project. “It is a miracle that I joined this training program,” she says. “I have hope for my life now. I know there is someone who cares for me. My goal is to help myself and others who are like me.” Read more

Ghana - God never forsakes His people

Enid completed High School, but was unabl to fulfill her dream of tertiary education because she had no financial support. But her diligence and hard work paid off, and Enid committed herself to intensive bakery training – including entrepreneurship, costing and packaging. Read more


Kenya - Spurring one another on towards love and good deeds

COVID-19 significantly impacted Kenya’s economy, which made employment opportunities scarce. However, this only fuelled Florence’s desire to learn a skill that would help her create a sustainable livelihood. But she had no means to pay for vocational training herself. Read more

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