Friends -
Let me be very clear about how we're funding this campaign:
We are not going to have a super PAC. We are not going to take money from corporate executives of the health insurance industry or fossil fuel industry. And I am not going to attend a bunch of private fundraising events in the homes of wealthy campaign contributors.
The only way we will raise what it takes to win this primary, defeat Donald Trump, and transform this country is from millions of people making small donations. And if we continue standing together, we are going to win.
Tonight at midnight is a monthly fundraising deadline we've set for our campaign. It's very important that we stay on track to meet our goals because this is the point in the race where it matters most. So I need to ask:
What we are doing together is unprecedented. Already we have received more than 4 million contributions from 1 million people across the country. That is faster than any other campaign in the history of American politics.
Not only is that how we are going to win this election – it's how we are going to create a government that works for all of us when we are in the White House.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders