Dear Friend,
📣 Announcement: Hitting the road to Stop Three Waters ✋

Thanks to the generous support of tens of thousands of New
Zealanders like you, later this week we're taking to the road to fight
the Government's Three Waters proposals.
Click here to add your name to the Stop Three Waters petition and
we'll email you when we're coming to your town/city.
With the support of our grassroots network, we'll be spreading the
message directly within the local communities whose water assets
Nanaia Mahuta is trying to remove from local control to put into
'co-governed' entities.
The roadshow will highlight just how unpopular these proposals are,
put pressure on those few councils still holding out from resisting
the Government, and pile the pressure onto Labour's provincial MPs who
are the key to overruling Mahuta's undemocratic agenda.
While the media continue to run Mahuta's lines about Three
Waters our people-powered effort is exposing why Three
Waters is zero gain, and holding her to account. Come along to
show your support.
We’ve decked out a campervan with ‘Stop Three Waters’ gear and,
starting this Friday, will be meeting local ratepayers, mayors,
councillors, and community leaders in 39 local centres across the
Come and meet the team
I'm emailing to ask for your support by way of coming along and
meeting Louis, Annabel, Josh, Levi, Connor, and the whole Taxpayers'
Union team over the next five weeks.
We’ll be holding old-fashioned soapbox events outside local
councils and in town squares across the country. We are inviting local
leaders to come and speak out against Nanaia Mahuta’s asset grab and
sign our "Community Leaders' Appeal to Protect Local Democracy and
Stop Three Waters" addressed to the Prime Minister.
And regardless of Three Waters, we're keen to meet Taxpayers' Union
supporters like you across the country.
Peter Williams and I (no relation) will be leading the team
for the first leg of the trip from Christchurch, visiting Rolleston,
Ashburton, Fairlie, Queenstown, Alexandra, Gore, Balclutha, and
Invercargill, before Louis takes over in Dunedin next
The full
itinerary is available here and we will be updating this, and our
Facebook page, as the roadshow progresses with exact times and
locations for each stop.

Can't make your local event? You can still do your part to Stop
Three Waters
Taking our grassroots campaign on the road means we're relying on
you and the tens of thousands who are supporting this effort. Only by
working together can we beat Labour's powerful Māori Caucus. Please
take a minute to:
Print and post the roadshow poster on community noticeboards and
shop windows (after getting permission, of course!)
Share the poster on Facebook
Share the official "Stop Three Waters" petition
Chip in to the Stop Three Waters fund (Three Waters is expensive,
but so too is 4,000 kilometres of fuel!)
Most important, come and say hi to the team, or pick up a stack of
petition pamphlets to deliver to friends and neighbours. We have
plenty of "Stop Three Waters" merchandise and we want you to take

We can’t wait to meet you and other taxpayers up and down the
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’