Republican Party of Texas

With the primary elections behind us, now is the time for us to turn it up a notch. This pivotal moment makes the May end-of-month deadline MAJOR in the fight toward the general election. As you may know, political parties must regularly report how much money they’ve raised. With the Radical Left looking to lie to the public about another “blue wave,” we must turn in strong fundraising numbers to push back against their propaganda.
We set a fundraising goal to match our record Republican voter turnout. Republicans accounted for 66% of all votes cast in the runoff election. Only 34% of runoff voters cast ballots for Democrats. To show the strength of the Republican Party, we want this same disparity in our reporting numbers. If a Liberal only donates $5, can you beat the Dems by doubling and donating at least $10?

A donation of $50 from you today will help put us even closer to our goal before the deadline tomorrow – can you help us put Republicans in the lead?

The Republican Party of Texas is on the frontlines of the fight to defend our freedom, uphold conservative principles, and combat the rise of socialism in America. We must ensure a Republican victory in November, and we need your support to get there!

Our end-of-month deadline is tomorrow at midnight. Please donate any amount right now to join the fight and ensure we keep Texas red for future generations.

Stand with us – stand for freedom.

Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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