So many opportunities!
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Hello, Patriots!

Memorial Day seems like a good day to catch everyone up on all things True Texas Project!  Take a moment to reflect on what others have sacrificed, and then ask if you've given enough yourself. Here's a picture of my daughter presenting the colors as a US Naval Sea Cadet at our president Fran Rhodes's church over the weekend.  It is wonderful to combine worship with our True Texas family.  Fran is in the choir in this picture, and Lizzy is the Sea Cadet holding the rifle on the far right (of course!)


Our May meetings were a smashing success.  I urge you to watch the May announcement video if you weren't able to attend, and of course many of our meetings are recorded and added to our You Tube channel


Fran and I are so pleased at the way the 15 satellite locations are now coming into their own...  building their groups, being responsible for the tasks at hand, and coming up with ideas to affect change.  This is fantastic! Groups will thrive as the local activists take ownership. If you are not participating in your local group, get plugged in!  I was serious when I asked if you've given enough.  No?  We can help!  Every group needs volunteers to help run them.  Don't wait to be asked!  Volunteer for any of these needed positions by emailing [email protected].

  • Co-Director
  • Food Coordinator or crew
  • Registration Lead or helpers
  • Hospitality Lead or crew
  • Prayer Coordinator or team
  • Easy tasks like being responsible to pass the hat, lead the pledge, or be the time keeper
  • Childcare Coordinator or helper
  • Social Events Coordinator
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • VIP Greeter
  • Merchandiser
  • A/V Lead
  • Guest Relations

Whew!  That's a lot of rolls to fill, and each one requires at least one back up, so hopefully you can see that we NEED you.  We really do.  Please don't be shy about jumping in.  And as a bonus, all of those on the leadership team are invited to our annual Leadership Summit where we spend a weekend training, having fun, and encouraging each other.  Get in the game now!

Ok, so let's talk about what's coming up...

June is a FUN month at True Texas Project!  Most locations are hosting a fellowship night with a potluck plus either a game (like Jeopardy or Bingo) or a movie (like 2000 Mules).  Way back in the early days, we used to hold these events to give folks a chance to mingle and get to know each other.  They have always been wildly popular, so do not skip out!  Later this week we'll send out an email with a full list of June events.  Watch for it!


Get ready to become a Certified True Texan!  By the end of the summer, you could have this program completed!  Details will be coming soon, but for now just know that we are bringing 4 of our 5 classes to four central locations in July and August, we'll be offering the 5th one in September, AND we've added a bonus class on working to ensure we have election integrity.  Wow! Good stuff!



Remember, at True Texas Project, our goal is to educate you and send you out.  We are not a passive groupWe DO something


See ya in June!
Julie McCarty, volunteer CEO

PS.  For those who are attending the Texas GOP Convention in Houston in June, plan to wear your TTP gear on Saturday, June 18.  If you do not have anything, order something ASAP!




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