My reflections on Memorial Day:


Today on Memorial Day we take time out of our busy lives to remember and honor the Americans who died serving our country.

I am thinking about the brave women and men of North Carolina, who left home to protect our country and our state and never returned. I am thinking about their parents, siblings, spouses, and children, who mourn their loss today and every day.

Some of my most challenging days as Governor are when I learn we have lost a North Carolinian in the line of duty.

Because brave Americans have been willing to step up and defend our country, I am able to say what I want, do what I want, go where I want, and run for elective office if I want. That kind of freedom has a price, and I am grateful every day for the people who have paid that price and given that freedom to me as well as other Americans.

We must honor their sacrifices by working to uphold the values of democracy, freedom, and equality.

Thank you for taking the time to read my reflections, and may you have a safe and meaningful holiday weekend.

Thank you,
