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The Muslim Council of Britain | Providing a voice for British Muslims

 Monthly Briefing

November 2019
Issue 63

#MuslimsVote - 2019 General Election

The MCB launched its 2019 General Election campaign, which included 10 key pledges for political parties, analysis of constituencies where Muslims could have the most impact, an election policy platform detailing the ways in which policies have disadvantaged Muslims, and a nationwide voter registration campaign. The election policy platform, which was developed through a holistic analysis of the priorities of affiliates following the surveying of over 500 British Muslims, identifies key areas of public policy in which Muslims are disproportionately disadvantaged. The National Muslim Voter Registration Day is UK's first ever facilitated by MCB, in which a number of mosques such as East London Mosque, London, Al-Hikmah Masjid, Aberdeen and Birmingham Central Mosque, West Midlands, held voter registration drives after Jumu'ah on 22nd November and the day saw over 300,000 people registered to vote. 
The MCB has produced a range of resources for communities this General Election, including a guide on how to host a hustings event, and advice for charities wishing to campaign. To view all of our General Election material, please visit or contact
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Living Wage: Muslim Institutions Urged to Join

As part of Living Wage week from 11 - 17 November 2019, the MCB urged Muslim institutions across the UK to tackle in-work poverty by becoming accredited Living Wage employers. The MCB has become an accredited Living Wage Employer and a roundtable session was held on 27 November with MCB affiliates to learn more about the Living Wage.
Zara Mohammed, MCB Assistant Secretary General, at the London Living Wage Rate Launch
Media coverage from Citizens UK:
Read more about the Living Wage Rate launch

Muslims and Elderly Care –  Meeting in Bradford, Hosted By Manningham Housing Association

MCB's Research & Development Committee, Ehtasham Haqq, Professor Iqbal Asaria and Jamil Sherie, participated in a summit in Bradford on 14th November 2019 entitled 'Ageing Well in BME Communities'. The meeting was co-organised by the Vice-Chairman of MHA and the Head of Development & Relationships of Abbeyfield Society, Abdul A Ravat, to raise awareness on faith perspectives of the service provision within leading housing associations and to also inform MCB of the housing provision policy. The day’s programme also included group discussions on the themes of traditional values, service provision and responses of government, statutory bodies and housing providers.

Khurshida Mirza, from Race Equality Foundation, presented some recent data sets which demonstrated the disadvantages experienced by ethnic groups in housing deprivation, fuel poverty, health and life expectancy. She highlighted a need for service providers to begin discussions with ‘users’ during planning stages to prevent poor take-up of their housing provision within BME and faith communities.

Source of image:

To read more and for other media coverage of the event, see:

Future Female Leaders Graduate

A new cohort of female leaders in Muslim communities have graduated from a second 2-day residential training session of MCB Women in Mosques Development Programme 2019 held in Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham. The programme started its pilot in 2018 and has now completed its second year on 17 November 2019. It is designed to accelerate the developing of upcoming talented female leaders of all ages to become the mosque trustees, committee members, volunteers and project leaders of the future.

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Upcoming Events and Campaigns

Remember to Vote!

Make a difference by casting your vote on 12th December 2019!

Upcoming events organised by Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM)

1) 3rd December 2019 - Reclaiming Our Narrative - Meet the Media
This is a unique opportunity for members of the Muslim community to hear from journalists and editors of leading media outlets about how to get our stories covered.

2) 14th December 2019 - Workshop 3: Going On-Air - Media Interviewing Skills For the Terrified 
This half-day training session will give your organisation’s spokespeople the skills needed to prepare for and deliver a polished media interview. We show you how to plan your interview, communicate your main messages and respond to difficult questions.

3) 6th January 2020 - Muslim in the Media: How to Make a Change!
This workshop will discuss the reasons why negative and inaccurate stories get published, the common ways Muslims and Islam are framed and what we can do to make a change!

Visit My Mosque Day 2020 - Register Now!

Registrations are NOW OPEN for Visit My Mosque Day 2020 - and will be held on 21st June! 

For more information about next year's campaign or to register your mosque to take part on 21st June 2020, please visit

Register Now!
Affiliate Zone

Welcoming New Affiliates!

1) Strive UK - Luton 

2) Canterbury Muslim Cultural Centre - Canterbury 

3) Dar Ul-Isra Muslim Educational & Welfare Centre - Cardiff

4) Masjid Alhikmah and Community Centre - Aberdeen 

Imam Vacancy : Masjid AlHikmah

Masjid Alhikmah is now open and serving the Muslims in the city of Aberdeen and surrounding areas with fit for purpose services and facilities.

They are seeking to recruit an Imam to join the team. Ideal candidates should have the following skills set:

  • A strong understanding of Islam and Muslims in the U.K.
  • Be a graduate in Islamic Sciences (or equivalent)
  • Fluent in English and Arabic language
  • At least two years’ experience of serving as an Imam
Get more information from the job description.

Salary: Competitive (Negotiable – depending on experience)

Apply Now!

BIMA Conference - 7th December 2019

This is BIMA's second National Conference, exploring a wide range of topics, including responsible financial planning, the fundamentals of Islamic parenthood, fasting, humanitarian relief and more

Where: National Conference Centre, Birmingham, B92 0EJ
Find out more!
Community News

Muslim Fostering Project Report Launch

A ground breaking report highlighting the importance of training and support for non-Muslim foster carers looking after Muslim children, with recommendations for fostering services and Muslim civil society. Download and read the full report here (

New Aziz Foundation Scholarships!

Find out more!
Apply Now!

Stand a Chance to Win a Water Hand Pump!

Funding Opportunities

Co-operative Local Community Fund
(Deadline: June 2020)
Leadership Activities

27th November
Talat Ahmed, HR Consultant, Lamees Hafeez, Operations Manager and Sakinah Abdul Aziz, Project Coordinator,
represented MCB for the Living Wage roundtable session hosted in Citizens UK alongside MCB affilitates.

Samayya Afzal, Community Engagement Manager, attended the Bradford Muslim Women's Council 10-year Anniversary Dinner.

26th November
Miqdaad Versi, Head of Public Affairs, 
spoke on BBC News Politics on the issue of structural and institutional Islamophobia within the Conservative Party

Zainab Gulamali, Public Affairs Manager, spoke on BBC the urgent need to look at Islamophobia and prejudice in Conservative Party.

Rizwana Hamid, Manager for Centre for Media Monitoring, attended the Westminster Forum’s conference on the “Future of UK Broadcasting”.

25th November
Harun Khan, Secretary General, joined Mark Dowie, CEO of Royal National Lifeboat Institution with their supporters and volunteers to mark his 6 months in office with a look ahead at their plans for #SavingLivesAtSea.

Maswood Ahmed, Assistant Secretary General, joined Citizens UK and Darul Ummah to encourage community members to register to vote.

Ifath Nawaz, Chair of Legal Affairs Committee, spoke at the Muslim Fostering Project Report Launch.

22nd November
Harun Khan, Ifath Nawaz, Rizwana Hamid, Lamees Hafeez and Zainab Gulamali
attended the Khurshid Drabu memorial event titled - Citizenship What's Next.

Zainab Gulamali joined the voter registration drive at East London Mosque after jum'ah prayers to increase the #MuslimVote.

Samayya Afzal  attended the #MuslimVote Registration Day at Doha Mosque.

21st November
Maswood Ahmed spoke at St Albans Cathedral to take part in debate on topical/political issues along the lines of BBC TVs Question Time.

20th November
Samayya Afzal 
visited the Quaker community at Friends House London.

17th November
Hassan Joudi, Deputy Secretary General,
visited Masjid Al Farouq and had an overview of the mosque's activities and the mosque's efforts to improve access for women and youth.

16th November - 17th November
Hassan Joudi and Lamees Hafeez 
attended the second Women in Mosques Development Programme residential weekend at Al-Mahdi Institute.

14th November 
Rizwana Hamid
met with the editor of the Express Gary Jones who agreed to write a forward (along with Rohit Kachroo from ITV News) to CfMM’s upcoming report on “Terrorism & How The British Media Cover It”.

12th November
Hassan Joudi 
delivered #VisitMyMosque training workshops in Dewsbury and Huddersfield.

Rizwana Hamid attended a conference in Whitehall about the “Future of News - Post the Cairncross Review” which was organised by the Westminster Media Forum.

11th November
Hassan Joudi
explained the importance of our affiliates to be accredited Living Wage employers during #LivingWageWeek.

Zara Mohammed, Assistant Secretary General, received the Living Wage accreditation for Muslim Council of Britain and Somerset House during #LivingWageWeek

Maswood Ahmed, spoke at Department for Education's Interfaith Network event as part of #InterFaithWeek.

8th November
MCB office received Indonesian scholars visiting the UK as part of #EnglishForUlama programme.

Harun Khan, presented The Hajj Awards 2019 to Tour de Hajj for winning the '3rd Sector Award'.

Zara Mohammed spoke at the launch of International Conference of Innovation and Management 2019 (#IAM2019).

7th November
Harun Khan attended the official launch of National Emergencies Trust inaugurated by HRH The Duke of Cambridge.

Samayya Afzal spoke at the University of Bradford Alumni event on career opportunities in the third sector and advised on building skill sets for graduates.

6th November
Rizwana Hamid
met with the BBC’s Specialist Factual Commissioning Editors - Abigail Priddle & Daisy Scalchi - regarding the media’s coverage of Muslims & Islam and how they can improve their programming to better reflect and “normalise” Muslims as British citizens.

5th November
Rizwana Hamid & Zainab Gulamali
 met with Afzal Khan MP in parliament regarding CfMM’s work & MCB’s general election’s manifesto & voter registration campaign

3rd November
Hassan Joudi joined an afternoon with Turkish Muslim communities in Luton exploring #GE2019 to strengthen the voice of British Muslim communities.

2nd November
Samayya Afzal
spoke at Bradford MEND Islamophobia Awareness Month event on Muslim Women.

MCB in the Media

Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

The MCB has continued to call out Islamophobia in the Conservative Party, particularly as the party announced its selection of candidates, some of whom have been found to be engaging in Islamophobia. In May 2019, the MCB called on the Equality and Human Rights Commission to investigate Islamophobia in the party, submitting extensive evidence of the problem. Miqdaad Versi, Media Spokesperson, and Zainab Gulamali, Public Affairs Manager, were featured on the BBC highlighting this.

Muslim Council of Britain’s Miqdaad Versi says, “Unfortunately Islamophobia is a serious problem, it’s endemic, it’s institutional within the Conservative Party”.
Zainab Gulamali, Public Affairs Manager, spoke on BBC the urgent need to look at Islamophobia and prejudice in Conservative Party.
More press releases pertaining to the condemnation of Islamophobia in the Conservative Party:

MCB Responds to Chief Rabbi's Comments

MCB acknowledged Chief Rabbi's comments and raised broad questions around Islamophobia in the Conservative Party
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Leadership tips from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

The Prophet Muhammad serves as an exemplary for mankind, and his teachings and advice entail leadership lessons as well. Inspired by the late Nabeel Al-Azami's recently published book: Muhammad (s): 11 Leadership Qualities that Changed the World, MCB's Deputy Secretary Generation Hassan Joudi, highlighted in article five leadership lessons from the life of the Prophet relevant for those involved in running a voluntary group or association today.

1) Responsibility
2) Clarity in Decision-Making
3) Empowering Youth
4) Diplomacy and Political Awareness
5) Forgiveness

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MCB Leadership Team 2018-20

All MCB Office Bearers perform their duties in a voluntary capacity. For further information, please visit:

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