In Memory of LAPD Officer Houston Tipping Dear Members, Today our brother, Officer Houston Tipping, succumbed to injuries sustained from a training accident. Officer Tipping was a five-year veteran. He did his probation at Foothill and most recently worked patrol at Devonshire and served as a bike instructor. Houston was widely known for loving his job as a police officer and is remembered by his friends and family for how he loved and made people laugh. Taken way too young, the loss of Houston is devastating for his family, friends, co-workers, and our entire LAPD family. Houston is survived by his parents, Shirley and Rich; his stepfather Bob; his siblings Kat and Tyler and his girlfriend, Brittney. Please pray today for his family and those who worked daily alongside him. The loss of our brother officer reminds us that life is fragile and that our chosen profession constantly places us in harm’s way. Take some time over the next few minutes to truly appreciate your loved ones, your health, and each other. Respectfully, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Los Angeles Police Protective League About the LAPPL Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than 9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The LAPPL can be found on the Web at LA Police Protective League | 1308 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Unsubscribe
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