Dear Friend,
You can help DPA end its fiscal year strong to fight even harder to end the drug war, decriminalize drugs, and save lives.
Your tax-deductible gift will TRIPLE to press for change including: |
Elimination of criminal penalties for drug possession.
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Reinvestment of drug enforcement resources into health services.
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Passage of critical legislation like the federal legislation to deschedule marijuana and decriminalize drugs.
These issues are winnable. Your gift tripled helps us get to the victory line faster.
We urgently need policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. We achieved this with Oregon Measure 110, where we decriminalized drugs for the first time ever in the US and dramatically expanded access to health services. But this victory took financial resources…that’s why we must end our fiscal year strong.
We need your help! As an incentive, a generous supporter will match your gift 3 to 1! Donate now.
Thank you,
Joe Salas
Membership Director
Drug Policy Alliance |
P.S. Triple Match Offer ends tomorrow! Give now for triple the impact on drug policy reform.
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