
Being a part of the finance team means much of my job is figuring out the resources needed to re-elect Dr. Kim Schrier and how to make sure we get there.

That's why at the beginning of November, we set a grassroots donor goal we needed to hit to ensure we stayed on track. But I ran the numbers, and with just over 24 hours until our deadline, we're falling a bit short.

We still need 129 donors to hit our goal. Will you be one of them? Chip in $5 or more now.

With the national Republicans' hand-picked candidate launching his campaign last month, we know it's only a matter of time before the attacks and lies start up again. That's why it's more important than ever that we have a strong base of donors to help us fight back against whatever comes our way.

Kim has been working hard to pass commonsense gun reform, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and protect people with preexisting conditions. But if we want to continue our progress and keep her fighting for the issues that matter most to us, then we need to hit this critical end-of-month donor goal by tomorrow at midnight.

Pitch in before midnight tomorrow and help keep Kim fighting for us in Congress.



Devon Davenport
Team Finance
Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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