Activism Starts at Home
"Activism starts at home."
GOA members at an Empowered 2A learn and shoot event in Houston, TX
That is what a female friend of mine said after reading my text this morning. My son’s daycare had sent a mass email to all the parents stating they would increase school security due to the NRA convention taking place just across the street.
Not because of the horrific shooting that took place just days ago. But because thousands of honest, hardworking gun owners were coming to town.
That's the discrimination that we as gun owners have to face on a daily basis.
I know as a mother of two young children that I am incredibly burdened for the Uvalde community. We all are. But as a woman and gun owner, I know that gun control is never the answer. I know that we are protectors and defenders of the innocent. And policy should empower the many like us who want to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and yes, even the stranger, if God forbid, we ever need to.
Seventy-six percent of teachers in America are female and the female gun ownership community is quickly growing. Of the 8 million new gun owners since 2019, 50% of them are women! That is huge and fantastic. And it shows a growing movement of women of all ages and backgrounds standing up to the anti-gun narrative.
Whether its equipping teachers or single young professionals in an urban city, or a working mother with little ones in daycare, it is imperative that we as women continue to educate, train, stand united and advocate for our gun rights.
That’s why the Empowered 2A coalition exists. Empowered 2A is the women’s coalition of GOA. We hold events throughout the country aimed at activating female leaders in the Second Amendment community. Join GOA and be part of the Empowered 2A coalition TODAY!
In Liberty,
Antonia Okafor Cover
Director of Womens' Outreach
Gun Owners of America
P.S. Please forward this message to your pro-gun family and friends and encourage them to join GOA and become part of the Empowered 2A coalition.
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place - Suite 202 Springfield, VA 22151
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