Forgive my bluntness, but I need to cut right to the chase: We still haven’t raised the $10,000 we need to hit our end-of-month fundraising goal, and I’m counting on your donation to get us back on track.

As one of this team’s most engaged grassroots supporters, you know the stakes better than most, but it bears repeating: Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the entire Republican establishment are determined to flip a Democratic Senate seat – perhaps even this one – to take back control of the chamber.

Shifting political grounds here in Connecticut make this year particularly unpredictable: Recently, RNC Chairwoman and noted Trump apologist Ronna McDaniel helped christen a new national Republican campaign office in this state – the national GOP’s first ever office here. I won’t parse words: They are making this state, and this Senate seat, a target.

And do you know what they count on after making our seat a target? They count on us missing these fundraising goals. They count on us being under-resourced. They count on weakness. That’s why we cannot let extremist Republicans think – even for a moment – that we don’t have what it takes to win this race.

Friend, at this critical moment for our nation, I’m counting on you to help me show the strength of this campaign. So please, will you chip in a donation now to prove to Trump, McConnell, and the rest of the GOP that this Senate seat – and the Senate as a whole – will stay in Democratic control?

Here's the best link:

Thanks for stepping up when it’s needed most.


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