Hi there,

I'm Helene, Kirsten's daughter. I know it's been a rough few weeks for us all.

Whenever I'm feeling scared or unsure about something, I talk to my mom. She's been there for me my whole life and has always been able to offer me comfort any time I'm feeling down. And I don’t have to tell you, there’s a lot that’s getting me down lately.

But rather than letting things get her down, mom’s going in a different direction.

She’s channeling the anger and the frustration that we’re all feeling right now, and using it to fuel her as this campaign heats up. The things that are the most upsetting, or the scariest, are her biggest motivators.

The very real possibility I’m going to grow up with fewer rights than her is deeply disturbing.

The fact that the gun violence tearing apart our communities isn't enough to stir Republicans into action disappoints and angers her.

But these things are only reminding her of why she’s running in the first place. She wants to keep me and kids like me safe in our schools. She wants to keep abortion safe and legal for my generation and the generations to come. 

So as my mom is showing me, there’s no time to sit around being depressed. There’s only time to act. It would be so easy for me, for my mom, and frankly all of us to be discouraged by what’s happening. Instead, mom looks like she’s ready to run through a brick wall. She is fired up and ready to go. And I gotta tell you, it’s pretty cool to see. I’m really proud of her and I hope you are, too.

And because I'm still too young to vote, I’m helping in other ways. So what I'm going to do is ask you to chip in any amount you can to help my mom's campaign.

She's facing a pretty serious fundraising deadline this Tuesday, and it's going to take as many of her supporters as possible to meet it.

I may not be of age to vote, but if my mom has taught me anything, it's that I'm never too young to make a difference.

Thanks for reading,










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