![]() Patriot, I haven’t seen a more concise analysis of the “Great Reset” conference in Davos this past week than John McCardell’s letter this past Thursday. The elites, in their own words . . . the Great Reset agenda they serve . . . and the names of the senators and congressmen who chose to jaunt to Switzerland on private jets to hear the globalists’ plan to track the carbon footprint of every individual and punish the commoners for using too much gasoline. John noted the world’s biggest drug dealer, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, fantasizing about authorities monitoring your compliance with their new “obedience” pills that feature ingestible microchips that will confirm whether you’ve been “compliant” and taken your medicine. He noted the peculiar statements, including one from George Soros himself, that they fear their agenda is failing – thanks in part to all you do. Most of all, he noted that Campaign for Liberty is fighting the Great Reset agenda on all fronts. And with election season upon us, it’s time to hold politicians accountable, especially if they go along with bringing the Great Reset to our shores. With your support, we can expose their misdeeds to their constituents. And the more support, the more we can do. So please read John’s letter, if you haven’t already, and if you can, please make a most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty’s push to hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, (signature) Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty ![]() Patriot, At the World Economic Forum’s annual shindig in Davos, Switzerland this week, the global elites pushed harder than ever for their global “Great Reset.” The architect of the “Great Reset” himself, Klaus Schwab, said as much when Schwab assured the summit attendees they had the power to take control of the future and change the world. “The future is built by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room,” he
declared. Other exhortations by global elites included: >>> Pfizer CEO Albert Boula unveiling microchipped pills that would transmit a signal when
ingested; >>> Bill Gates announcing a partnership with Pfizer to develop an mRNA-based vaccine to replace the actual vaccine for malaria; >>> More than 50 corporate giants pledging to “buy green.” All of this is consistent with the “Great Reset” agenda the World Economic Forum has proposed. The “Great Reset” is essentially a cleverly named backdoor way of ushering in the very worst of the Left’s socialist agenda, including: *** A “Great Reset” of Capitalism This is nothing more than code for SOCIALISM. In fact, completely changing our economic systems to “promote more equitable outcomes” is the very first step listed in the elite’s official three-step plan for a “Great Reset.” Let me be clear. That means taking YOUR hard-earned money to give to others who’ll vote for more socialism; *** AOC’s job-destroying “Green New Deal” Stating “every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” the elite’s plan for a “Great Reset” calls for massive government investments in less-efficient, “green” energy, a ban on drilling for oil and natural gas and a host of other economy-crushing “green” regulations on businesses. It's no surprise the recent rise in gas prices given the plan to eliminate fossil fuels; *** A complete authoritarian police state regime If you think the past few years have been bad, just wait! It’ll be COVID-19 shutdowns on steroids – where government bureaucrats are indefinitely empowered to determine which businesses and institutions are “allowed” to remain open and your every move is tracked, traced, and monitored. Taking in the festivities and lapping it all up were many American leaders, who apparently had no more important things to do, such as address all of the crises facing the American people right now. These include: Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana (R) Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland (R) Chris Coons, U.S. Senator from Delaware (D) Debra Fischer, U.S. Senator from Nebraska (R) Robert Menendez, U.S. Senator from New Jersey (D) Pat Toomey, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania (R) Patrick Leahy, U.S. Senator from Vermont (D) Roger Wicker, U.S. Senator from Mississippi (R) Sheldon Whitehouse, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island (D) John Hickenlooper, U.S. Senator from Colorado (D) Joe Manchin, U.S. Senator from West Virginia (D) Daniel Meuser, Congressman from Pennsylvania (R) Madeleine Dean, Congresswoman from Pennsylvania (D) Ann Wagner, Congresswoman from Missouri (R) Bill Keating, Congressman from from Massachusetts (D) Darrell Issa, Congressman from California (R) Ted Lieu, Congressman from California (D) Michael McCaul, Congressman from Texas (R) Seth Moulton, Congressman from Massachusetts (D) Ted Deutch, Congressman from Florida (D) Dean Phillips, Congressman from Minnesota (D) Gregory Meeks, Congressman from New York (D) Not to mention Gina Raimondo, Biden’s Secretary of Commerce; John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and former U.S. Senator and failed presidential candidate; Al Gore, former Vice President and failed presidential candidate; and Francis Suarez, mayor of Miami (R). John Kerry was reprising his role in Davos last year, when he said “I personally believe ... we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time. The notion of a [great] reset is more important than ever before.” All while the American people suffer from crisis after crisis. The price of food. The price of gas. The price of everything. Supply shortages. Violent crime. Extreme political corruption and the weaponization of the Justice Department. We don’t matter to them. Instead of dealing with America’s crises, these politicians were regaled in Switzerland with renewed – and yet strangely more desperate – calls for the Great Reset. But there was something strange in George Soros saying, “civilization may not survive” the war in Ukraine because “other issues that concern all of humanity” like fighting pandemics and climate change “have had to take a back seat.” It was odd to hear Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, whine about dwindling support for Covid restrictions, saying “we’re in danger of losing this moment for transformative change,” and proposing countries must comply with WHO edicts or lose access to the World Bank or face World Trade Organization sanction. Those are odd notes of desperation. Their house of cards is wobbling. And while the derelicts listed above fiddled while America burns, Campaign for Liberty has been fighting to save our precious republic on all fronts – mobilizing patriots across America to demand our representatives oppose this global tyranny. Fight Tyranny, Defend
Freedom: Support Campaign for Liberty TODAY Just since the new year, Campaign for Liberty has fought to: >>> Expose and oppose the globalist WHO treaty that, if implemented by Congress,
would bring total medical tyranny to America; >>> Defeat H.R. 350, which would create a new task force to crack down on political dissent – which failed its first vote in the Senate this morning but could be revived with little warning; >>> Stop the Deep State’s Disinformation Governance Board – a fight we appear to be winning since the plans for this board were suspended last week; >>> Support legislation to ban the proposed Central Bank Digital Currency scheme; >>> Stop the confirmation of anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach to head the ATF and defend the Second Amendment; >>> Demand answers on the true origin of the Covid pandemic and certain American actors’ likely role in it; >>> Cut the red tape and remove restrictions on farming and energy development to get the skyrocketing price of everything under control; >>> Stop the Biden regime’s coming “Do Not Bank” list; >>> Audit the Federal Reserve to expose its secret deals and political meddling, to lay the groundwork for one day ending the greatest scam on the American people of all. We’re fighting on all fronts. And with election season heating up, it’s coming time to hold our elected officials accountable by exposing their misdeeds to their voting constituents. As you can see, we’re in a target-rich environment. And we’re going to have to focus our fire strategically. Your support will give us more firepower – and perhaps we can take on additional targets. EXPOSE Our Globalist
Lawmakers: Support Campaign for Liberty TODAY I'm worried that without your action today, we won’t be able to cover as much ground as we need to. So can I count on you to dig deep and make a generous contribution of $100, $200, or even $500 or $1,000? I know that’s a lot to ask for. But the more pressure we can inflict on politicians that put America last, behind their globalist aspirations, the stronger message we send to the rest of them. So won’t you please join me in shouting “DOWN WITH THE GREAT RESET!” before it’s too late – before the idea of American liberty is nothing more than a distant memory? Please make your most generous gift TODAY, and let’s hold the globalists accountable. Thanks for all that you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. We are fighting an existential battle for the future of our nation. If we win, we might restore our lost liberty. If we fail, Orwell’s nightmare vision of “a boot stamping on the human face forever” may come closer to reality. Please make your most generous gift TODAY, and let’s fight to save our country. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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