Our system is broken, and if we don't fight to change it, it'll stay that way.

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Our system is broken, and if we don't fight to change it, it'll stay that way.

As we prepare for the inevitable fall of reproductive rights in this country and witness horrific mass shootings on a near-weekly basis, it was unbelievable to watch Democratic leadership throw their support behind an anti-abortion, NRA-“A-rated,” Big Oil-backed “Democrat” in TX-28. 

All because a young, progressive woman of color backed by a multiracial, youth-led movement was too much of a threat to the status quo.

We’ll have Jessica Cisneros’s back as she navigates the ballot curing and potential recount process. But what happened in TX-28 followed a frankly disheartening and maddening trend of Democratic leaders failing to meet the damn moment again and again.

After giving it our all to defeat Trump and deliver Democrats control of the White House and Congress, our “Good Jobs for All” campaign laid the groundwork for the historic investments that President Biden made in his Build Back Better agenda last year — toward a Civilian Climate Corps, clean energy programs and tax credits, funding for frontline communities, greening and expanding public schools, housing and transit, and other good stuff that put us on track for a 50% carbon emissions reduction by 2030. 

But despite having complete control of the federal government, it was becoming clear by the fall that no one in Democratic leadership was brave enough to stand up to Senator Joe M*nchin and fight for all of Build Back Better. As hard as we fought to do their work for them, Build Back Better did not pass in 2021, and it’s still in limbo in Congress.

We deserve pathways to citizenship, real investments in climate and jobs that match the scale of the crisis, a world free from gun violence, better healthcare, and childcare. What we don’t deserve is the bare minimum from Democratic leaders who tell us to “vote harder,” boast about watering down legislation with a party actively engaged in destroying our democracy, and back the very kinds of anti-abortion, pro-NRA elected officials they claim are the biggest obstruction to our progress. 

This is exactly why young people must get involved. While the Democratic establishment randomly injects organizers into communities every two years, we’re building long-term, hyper-local infrastructure – to change hearts and minds and use people-power everywhere to make lasting change through organizing for the leaders that can help us make it happen at every level of government.

We all know corruption and money are screwing up our politics. So we REALLY have to win, which will be hard work. But we’ve done it once, and we can do it again. Giving up and ceding ground to those who won’t fight for us isn’t an option.

We can use elections to build the power we’ll need to build a new system – our system. The government has money and resources, and we can give them to our local communities and governments. We have to take over, so our government works for us.

Young people can’t accept a world where we lose our reproductive freedom, where climate disasters and guns take more lives each year — where they drown us or consume us in flames, where families make choices between going to the hospital or putting food on the table. That’s not who our generation is. We can’t stop fighting.

It’s on us to lead the way, to keep the faith, and organize. If you’re still with us in this critical fight for our futures, contribute $10 or any amount to Sunrise today.

Contribute $10

Let’s give ourselves grace and space to feel the grief, but not let it lead us to despair. We can feel powerful together again.

In solidarity,

Michele, Sunrise