
We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and are taking advantage of the incredible Black Friday deals today!  At this very moment, in the season of giving back, we are on a very special mission for our students... 
Our kids need your help!  No Bully has been offered an exciting Challenge for Giving Tuesday: if we hit our $10,000 fundraising goal by December 3, we will unlock a $10,000 matching gift from a generous patron!  
John, everyone deserves a bully-free childhood.  Please double the impact of your gift AND help us trigger the $10,000 match by joining us today.  A gift of ANY amount will help move the dial as we continue to end bullying in schools. 
We can’t do this without you!
Team No Bully
P.S. When you make your 2019 gift, we promise you won’t get any more fundraising emails from us until next year!

No Bully
1012 Torney Avenue  | San FranciscoCalifornia 94129
(415) 767-0070 | [email protected]

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