John -

We wanted to be sure you didn't miss Chris' note. Our newest opponent is dead set on rolling back women's right to choose in Hennepin County. We know that the Supreme Court is about to overturn Roe v. Wade, making all the more important that we don't let an anti-choice GOPer take over the Hennepin County Attorney's office.

Please, join us in fighting back today! Ryan needs your help to protect our rights in Hennepin County.

Team Winkler

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Kluthe, Winkler for Hennepin
Date: Thu, May 26, 2022 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Breaking: New Opponent

Friends -

I wanted to share this news with you as soon as I heard it.

We've got a new opponent in our race and we've got to stop him in his tracks.

Tad Jude, a Republican Attorney General candidate just two weeks ago, has entered our race.

And I can't think of a worse time for an anti-abortion, pro-gun conservative to be in charge of law enforcement in our community.

We need your help today, urgently. We can't afford to let this guy gain an inch in this race. Chip in today and help Ryan tell Tad to back away!

Ryan is not only speaking out about gun violence, he's been working to pass gun safety laws at the legislature for the past 15 years.

As Majority Leader, he has helped make sure that people found mentally incompetent to stand trial aren't just released onto the streets. The Governor just signed this bill into law.

We can't afford to give an inch to the GOP right now, especially with abortion rights on the chopping block. Please contribute today to make sure that we keep Ryan in the lead in this race.

Thank you,

Chris Kluthe
Team Winkler


Prepared and paid for by Winkler for Hennepin

Winkler for Hennepin
PO Box 27963
Golden Valley MN 55427 United States