
I have a message for my colleagues in Congress: If the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, doesn't crystalize your sense of obligation to take action, then you are, in effect, putting guns above children.

Columbine. Virginia Tech. Aurora. Sandy Hook. Charleston. Orlando. Las Vegas. Parkland. Gilroy. El Paso. Buffalo. Orange County. Uvalde.

Why does the greatest nation on Earth continue to tolerate this? It is outrageous that members of Congress continue to block the kinds of reforms that would prevent more families from being torn apart by another tragedy.

Inaction is complicity.

It’s long past time for Congress to match prayers with action. That means passing the legislation that has already been proposed and blocked that could make a real difference: Red flag laws to remove guns from dangerous people. And the Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act to prevent domestic abusers with a restraining order from purchasing or possessing firearms. And Ethan’s Law, a bill to establish requirements for safe gun storage. And laws that close gaps in the background-check system, like the Charleston Loophole – measures that an overwhelming majority of Americans support.

We need to do all of these things and more, and we need to do them right now.

To those who refuse to take a stand claiming that “it’s not the time” or that action would be “too political,” I say this: The gun violence epidemic is political because the elected leaders who oppose reform are the ones who continue to stand in the way of solutions – all to protect their own political careers. But every day that they fail to take action means more of the same. More lives lost. More communities devastated.

That is precisely why we cannot lose courage or heart. We cannot lose hope. We must keep standing up and speaking out until there is real, meaningful change. That is what I’ll continue to do every day in the Senate, and I hope you’ll be with me in this fight.

Thank you,


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