Open for more news about the Sue Gray report and the windfall tax!



The findings of the Sue Gray report were damning, providing evidence of a complete disregard of lockdown rules. Yesterday, the Chancellor set out the government's plan to provide households with support to pay their energy bills, paid for by a windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas firms. This plan will be ineffective in tackling the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis. Scroll for more 🔽


Responding to the findings of the Sue Gray report, co-leader Carla Denyer called for the prime minister to resign saying 'never before have we seen such a complete disregard for what it means to hold this office'.

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said there was nothing in the Queen’s speech to create fairer, greener communities while Caroline Lucas said there was 'a climate-shaped hole' in it. The speech did however include a public order bill which gives the police alarming new powers to crack down on peaceful civil dissent.

Green Peer Jenny Jones leads the work on 'Ella's Law (Clean Air Bill) which was named after the child who became the first in the UK to have air pollution listed as cause of death. She topped the Lords' ballot for private members' bills and The Guardian covered the story, quoting Jenny.

Greens in Australia celebrate a “greenslide” in the country’s elections, experiencing their best result ever.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation, a climate sceptic thinktank, has been reported to the Charity Commission by Caroline Lucas and Extinction Rebellion, claiming it is “not a charity, but a fossil fuel lobby group” that receives funding from fossil fuel interests.


Greens achieved record breaking results in the local elections, passing a landmark 500 councillors and the highest percentage increase in seats of any party in England and Wales. The Green Party is now in power on 18 councils including York, Lancaster and Worcester, and we are the official opposition - with real opportunity to influence - in 16 others. The New Statesman has outlined why a Green vote is more than a protest vote


Did you miss our post-election analysis? You can watch a recording here 🔽


💚 Panel conversation on Gypsy Roma and Traveller rights, 1 June 6pm on Zoom: Sign up to our first event for our 'Always Learning' series, which aims to platform voices that are too often oppressed in our society. The event on Gypsy Roma and Traveller rights comes in the wake of the PCSC Bill being enacted, as well as the so called "joke" from Jimmy Carr on Gypsies. Sign up to attend here


💚 Meet your Green peers virtually, 15 July 6pm on Zoom: Come and meet your Green Peers, Jenny Jones and Natalie Bennett, and hear about their tireless Parliamentary work battling against terrible government legislation such as the Police Bill, Nationality & Borders Bill and Elections Bill; their plans for the raft of upcoming Bills from the Queen’s Speech and how they can support you in your campaigning. Sign up to attend here


🌎 Want to work with the Green Party? We are currently looking for an Electoral Analytics Manager and Telephone Fundraisers at Head Office as well as a Campaigns Assistant in Brighton & Hove. Find out more and how you can apply here.


🌎 Join the Greens for the Trade Union Congress 'We demand better' march and rally Saturday 18 June! Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages. We're marching to Westminster to demand action on the cost-of-living crisis, including a REAL pay rise. Find out more and tell us you're coming along here


🌎 Join Bristol Green Party for an action day with Carla Denyer and Caroline Lucas 25 June! You'll be knocking on doors, delivering newsletters, and speaking to residents. Sign up to join.

-- The Green Party 💚