We’re closer than we have ever been to ending the prohibition of marijuana, but there is more work ahead.
There is no excuse for our outdated federal marijuana laws. They are bad for public health, they are bad for the people caught in the criminal justice system, and they are bad for our economy.
The classification of marijuana as a Schedule I substance, on par with heroin and LSD, fuels crime and stunts opportunity. By legalizing marijuana, we can ensure that the public has access to a safe product and we can ignite a new spirit of entrepreneurship.
That’s why I have supported reform since my first campaign for Congress and was a lead sponsor of the Marijuana Justice Act. We’re closer than we have ever been to ending the prohibition of Marijuana, but there is more work ahead. Will you stand with me? Sign here to support the Marijuana Justice Act.

Instead of pouring taxpayer dollars into counterproductive prohibition programs, we should embrace the economic benefits and job potential of the growing cannabis industry while addressing wider substance use as a public health issue. In states where it’s been legalized, the economy is thriving. Washington state collected $559.5 million in legal tax revenue in 2021. If we legalize it at the national level, economists estimate that we could create over 1 million jobs by 2025 and over $132 billion in tax revenue over the next decade.
The federal prohibition of marijuana has failed. It’s time to do the right thing and legalize it.
Sign the petition: Legalize marijuana nationwide.