Getting to hear what’s on your mind – and thank you for your support – is the cornerstone of our plan to tackle the issues you’re facing and build a Massachusetts where everyone can thrive.

Maura Healey for Governor

You’ve heard from us quite a bit this week, but you’re definitely going to want to read this:

If you chip in any amount today – even $1 – Maura might give you a call to say thank you.

We know there are plenty of ways you could be spending your money. By choosing to invest in our campaign, you’re supporting our vision to bring people together and move Massachusetts forward – and we really can’t thank you enough…

… but we can try! Which is why if you chip in any amount before our end-of-month deadline on Monday and help us reach our $15,000 goal, you may get a personal thank you call from Maura. No donation is too small:

Maura’s vision and values are built on the stories she hears along the campaign trail. Getting to hear what’s on your mind – and thank you for your support – is the cornerstone of our plan to tackle the issues you’re facing and build a Massachusetts where everyone can thrive.

Can we count on you to chip in any amount before our end-of-month deadline hits?

As always – thank you,

Maura’s Campaign Manager