New case: Marine veteran sues over unconstitutional DOJ rule


A veteran in California is suing the Department of Justice anonymously over the DOJ’s new requirement that he register as a sex offender, despite the fact that his decades-old misdemeanor was long ago expunged.

When John Doe was 23 in 1996, he had a sexual encounter with a 16-year-old girl. Although California fully expunged his record, the attorney general now says John—a married father of two and successful businessman—must register as an offender. Our lawsuit says Congress can’t delegate its lawmaking authority to the DOJ.

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New case: Class action lawsuit challenges huge fines for government surveys


The American Community Survey contains upward of 100 questions that, according to the Census Bureau, recipients are compelled to answer or else be criminally charged and fined $5,000 per question refused. Two Americans have filed a class action lawsuit against the bureau, arguing they shouldn’t be fined thousands of dollars for refusing to answer invasive questions about their job and family.

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Orange County Register: How California bureaucrats are using a typo to destroy a fisherman’s dream


white house

Bureaucrats sometimes make mistakes. But when they refuse to acknowledge a mistake and double down on it to deprive someone of their livelihood and family business, a lawsuit can be the only way to hold them accountable. Frank Garrison and Paige Gilliard explain that’s exactly what happened to California fisherman Max Williams—and Max is fighting back.

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