Last Saturday, CND supporters gathered at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk - a US-operated airbase - to protest the return of US nuclear bombs to Britain. 

The demonstration followed reports that the US Department of Defense had allocated funding to upgrade the base's special weapons storage bunkers. These bunkers previously housed 110 US/NATO free-fall B61 nuclear bombs - until their removal in 2008 after sustained protest by CND and local campaigners. 

Since April, members of Parliamentary CND have submitted written questions to the Ministry of Defence to seek clarity on whether US nuclear weapons were returning to Lakenheath. While the MoD refused to answer on the return of US nuclear bombs, ministers did admit this week that the MoD has agreed to deliver a number of infrastructure programmes and projects on behalf of the United States Visiting Forces at RAF Lakenheath.

Parliamentary CND is now tabling an Early Day Motion (EDM) to call on the government to decline to host these weapons of mass destruction and to use all possible diplomatic efforts to de-escalate current nuclear tensions.

You can help by writing to your MP, urging them to support EDM 98 by following the link here

Let's show the government that we don't want US nuclear weapons stationed in Britain. We got them removed once and we won't stop until they are removed again! 
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