From Kevin Han <>
Subject NEW: Resources and Events for Your Health Care Advocacy
Date May 27, 2022 2:00 PM
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Health Advocates,
Please find resources for your health care advocacy, as well as new events and opportunities to sign on to various comment letters, below.

** Action Items
* ([link removed]) : Bans Off Our Bodies campaign from Planned Parenthood, a one stop shop to sign petitions, share toolkits with supporters, and find out more about upcoming rallies
* MomsRising Petition ([link removed]) : Urge Congress to support critical funding for maternal mental health!

** Upcoming Events and Opportunities
* Apply for the 2022 Health Equity Academy Fellowship ([link removed]) : Families USA is accepting applications for our next cohort of Health Equity Academy Fellows. Fellows will attend two half-day virtual trainings on June 28-29. Applications are due June 2. Learn more and Apply Here. ([link removed])
* March For Moms: Parents on the Pier: Advancing Justice for All ([link removed]) on June 5

** Resources for Your Health Advocacy
* Health Equity
+ NEW FUSA Health Justice Now Webinar Series Part 5 Recording: A Conversation With AAPI Health Advocates ([link removed])
+ NEW APIAHF Toolkit: Combat Hate Crime Resources ([link removed])
+ FUSA Fact Sheet: What Children and Families Need From The 117th Congress - Policy Recommendations to Improve Their Health and Wellbeing ([link removed])
+ FUSA Health Justice Now Webinar Series Part 4 Recording: Community Voices: How State Policymakers Can Advance Health Equity ([link removed])
+ FUSA Issue Brief: Community Voices: Recommendations to State Policymakers for Advancing Health Equity ([link removed])
* Medicaid
+ Protecting Immigrant Families: LIFT the BAR Act Toolkit ([link removed])
+ FUSA Comment Letter: Stakeholders Submit Letter to Democratic Congressional Leadership on Health Coverage Priorities ([link removed])
+ FUSA Case Study: Strategies for States to Maximize Medicaid Ex Parte Renewals and Limit Coverage Losses ([link removed])
+ FUSA Issue Brief: Medicaid Programs Should Protect Health Care for Millions of Families by Implementing a New Federal Option for SNAP-Based Electronic Renewal ([link removed])
+ Letter from Secretary Becerra and CMS Administrator Brooks-LaSure to Governors regarding unwinding ([link removed])
* Affordable Care Act (ACA)
+ FUSA Issue Brief: Unless Congress Acts, Health Care Costs Will Soon Skyrocket for People Who Buy Their Own Insurance ([link removed])
o Sample APTC Paper News Release Template For State Advocates ([link removed])
o APTC Paper Social Media Template ([link removed])
+ Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Report: For ACA Enrollees, How Much Premiums Rise Next Year is Mostly up to Congress ([link removed])
* Reproductive Health and Abortion
+ ([link removed]) : Find a clinic - to find vetted, up to date, and personalized info on how to get an abortion ; no search or user data saved.
+ ReproLegal Helpline ([link removed]) : a free, confidential source for legal advice and information on self-managed abortion. Visit ([link removed]) or call 844-868-2812.
+ M+A Hotline: ([link removed]) a confidential, private and secure phone and text hotline for people in need of support for self-managed miscarriage or abortion.
+ Keep Our Clinics: ([link removed]) Support independent community providers who provide the majority of abortion care in the US.
+ Donate to Abortion Funds ([link removed]) (and amplify calls for donations): A donation to the National Network of Abortion Funds brings abortion funds closer to a future where all people have access to abortion without shame or stigma. Please continue to amplify the Fund-A-Thon
([link removed]) .

Thank you for your tireless advocacy as we continue fighting for the best health care for all of America's families. Please reach out to any of us at Families USA to connect on our shared advocacy efforts, or to let us know what you’d like featured in upcoming Resource Roundups!
Have a great weekend,
Kevin Han
Strategic Partnerships Associate

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Health Action Network

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