Breaking news, John: The nonpartisan Cook Political Report just put out their new ratings and PA-08 is the ONLY tossup seat held by an incumbent in Pennsylvania.

We MUST keep Pennsylvania blue as we head into 2022 and beyond. Pennsylvania is the center of the political world now and will be in 2024 – we can’t afford to lose ground now. Can I count on you to chip in $10, $50, or even $100?

Rush in a donation, John

Not only that, but Matt is the only incumbent Democrat to have a Trump-endorsed opponent. This toss-up race is going to determine whether Pennsylvania stays blue and which party will take control of the House, and we need to keep up with all the dark money flooding into our district.

I’m counting on you to chip in whatever you can, John. We can’t allow the House or our Commonwealth to be taken over by the MAGA right who will certainly roll back protections for voters, abortion access, and workers.

Can we get 100 new donations today in response to this news? I know Matt will be interested to see how many Democrats are paying attention to this critical new rating. Donate so he’ll see your name on the report, John


Colleen Gerrity

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