Pennsylvania is a critical swing state in every election, but our state is more important than ever before as we head into 2022 and 2024.

Hi John, it’s Rep. Matt Cartwright from Pennsylvania’s 8th District.

Pennsylvania is a critical swing state in every election, but our state is more important than ever before as we head into 2022 and 2024.

I’ll get straight to the point: Pennsylvania is considered the center of the MAGA world and we need to not only send strong Democrats to Washington -- but elect Democrats all the way up and down the ballot. Can I count on you to make a split donation between my campaign and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party to ensure we keep Pennsylvania blue?

We now have far-right extremists on the top of the ticket on the Republican side, and they promise to make every single voter re-register ahead of the 2024 election, which would give Republicans – and likely Trump – a huge advantage.

Pennsylvanians need elected officials who will protect their right to reproductive health care, defend Pennsylvania’s union way of life, and invest in the future of our Commonwealth through education and infrastructure projects.

We need strong Democrats not just at the federal level, but in state and local offices to ensure the far-right won’t try to slash our rights and suppress the vote of our most vulnerable communities.

It’s all on the line in 2022, and Pennsylvania is at the center of the political universe this cycle.

So please, join me in supporting down-ballot Democrats by donating whatever you can, John.

Thanks for standing up for our Commonwealth.

– Matt Cartwright

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Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States