
We need you to join us tomorrow. We’re holding a rally at 12 PM at Congregation Rodeph Shalom.

The stakes couldn’t be any higher. People are paying attention, but our elected leaders are digging in their heels at every level of government. This work is going to be hard, but we cannot continue to allow this violence. We need you there. RSVP.

At a federal level, the Senate just went on recess without passing a single bill into law. In Harrisburg, we have lawmakers who rose powerfully, signing discharge petitions for key bills to force a vote on any of our proposals. It was blocked. We must push even harder.

RSVP, be there at 12 PM, and reach out to three friends right now and bring them with you. Our voices have to be heard.

Adam Garber



I’m sickened watching the carnage unfold in Uvalde. I’m devastated to know it happens on a weekly basis in Pennsylvania as we have slow moving massacres. Guns are the #1 cause of death for Pennsylvania children.

And, I’m furious that yesterday Republican Leadership denied a vote on life-saving laws. It’s an unacceptable choice by Republican legislative leaders including Speaker Cutler and Representative Benninghoff. If you agree, I need you to join me, Governor Wolf, Attorney General Shapiro and survivors this Friday at noon in Philadelphia. RSVP right now.

In Erie and Upper Darby, in York and Reading, in Chester and Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, our elected leaders are counting on us to be desensitized to our own collective pain. 

An average of 33 Pennsylvanians are killed with bullets every single week.

We will not let this continue. We’re partnering with survivors, with community organizations in the trenches, who hold mothers as their tears flow, who pick siblings up off the ground when they collapse from grief. We’re mobilizing with the people who are already feeling the pain, because on the path we’re heading, all of us will be in the direct line of attack, at some point sooner or later.

Join us. It’s time to get angry and stay angry. It’s time to speak out until our lungs give out. It’s time to mobilize every person we know until we’ve ended the crisis of gun violence once and for all.

Adam Garber

PS. RSVP, then recruit five friends and family members to join you. We have no time to waste.


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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